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Inga Clendinnen Dancing with Strangers 2003

What the newcomers saw as  remarkable but I think would be remarkable anywhere were the blows Australian aboriginal men publicly casually dealt their women for trivial offences And they’re ready resort to weapons. The women were, literally, browbeaten. Tench , who was not given to jump to conclusions, reported that the women are in all respects treated with savage barbarity. When an Indian (aborigine) Is provoked by a woman either Spears her or knocks her down on the spot. On this occasion he always strikes her on the head, using indiscriminately a hatchet, a club or any other women that which may chance to be in his hand. Nor was the brutality tempered by circumstance.  Clover beat Daringa savagely when she was big with child …


Far from being confined to Sydney Cove, the same scenes were witnessed by explorers and settlers across the continent.  Aboriginal women who rejected the advances of amorous aboriginal males put their lives in danger. The murder of women because of insult jealousy and infidelity was common


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